Information for the new or leisure cyclist Information and advice for advance touring or racing cyclists Advice and information for women cyclists
Information and advice for advance touring or racing cyclists
Fit your bike
Advanced bike fitting
Body pains explained
Braking at speed
Leaning in turns
Some major Tours
Bike Line
Legal lighting
Cycle Training
Different cyclists
Weight training
Strength training
Heart Rate training
Cross training
Turbo training
The Training Diary
Nutrition for Cycling
Weight control
How much to eat
Main energy sources
Increasing caloric output
Effects on digestive tract
Factors affecting digestion
Optimal cycling diet
Nutrition for common rides
Post ride nutrition
Performance enhancers 1
Performance enhancers 2
Final considerations
Road Racing
BCF membership
BCF Categories
5 steps to racing
Clubs and circuits
Equipment, courses
Track Racing
Bikes and equipment


Setting your bike up
Braking and descending
Hill climbing
Lifting the front wheel
Lifting the rear wheel
Tips for women
On the trail kit

A Weight Training Routine for Cyclists

Below is a weight training routine that I personally have used for a few year now. It covers most of the muscle groups used in cycling and alternates an upper body muscle group with a lower body and looks to work antagonistic muscle groups together. This approach means that you need minimal rests between each set and therefore the total programme of 3-5 sets per exercise can be completed within about 45 minutes excluding warm-up and stretching. This is purely one example of the way that all the various exercises and stretches can be structured together.

Warm-up for 10 minutes either on the turbo, stepper or a short run, whichever takes my fancy. Short stretching routine.
Partial sit-ups 3 sets of 15
Bench Press
3 sets of 10
3 sets of 10
5 sets of 10
Lat pull downs
3 sets of 10
Upright rowing
3 sets of 10
Leg extension
5 sets of 10
Leg curl
5 sets of 10
Biceps curl
3 sets of 10
Triceps pull down
3 sets of 10
Calf raise
5 sets of 10
Oblique sit-ups 3 sets of 15
Cool down of 5-10 minutes usually on the turbo then stretching routine for all muscle groups.

If you feel like trying the above please note that:

If you are just starting weight training you should build up to such a programme. Week one you would perhaps do one set of each exercise, week two, if you feel up to it, do two sets of each etc.
Don't miss out on the warm-up, cool down or stretching periods.
Make sure you keep yourself warm and well hydrated during the workout.

Be careful but have fun.

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providers of marketing and design services to the small/medium sized business. Specialists in the cycling and outdoor industry.