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WebHub Links

WebHub Links

Cycling Events is a significant part of the e-cobr webHub. A marketing and promotions hub comprising many information and shopping resources. This is driven by LPS marketing, see links below and its objectives are to promote cycling, cyle retailers, workshops, suppliers and quality cycle and accessory brands.

To contact Cycling Events use the following contact points:


The e-cobr webHub

The e-cobr webHub is a group of cycling specific web sites all linked to a substantial cycle shopping area within which over 300 of the top UK cycle products brands are available.  Within the webHub you will find most of what you need and for the elements we don't cover, or for additional, or related information, you will probably find that one of the 000's of links we provide will take you to the piece of information you require.

Below we list the main sites currently contained within the e-cobr webHub with an overview of the content or purpose of the site.  The e-cobr webHub contains the web sites of its Premier Retailer members who's products make up the shopping catalogue at the centre of the hub.

e-cobr shopping - the centre of the hub, the shopping catalogue containing over 200 of the top quality cycling brands available within the UK.

e-cobr information - also at the centre of the hub, a vast resource of advice, information and news for all levels and types of cyclist.

e-cobr membership - the benefits of membership of e-cobr.   Only cycle retailers and suppliers need apply for membership, NOT VISITORS.

New to Cycling - as the name suggests a site specifically oriented towards the new cyclist or those that view cycling as a leisure activity.

Cycling Events - a list of cycle rides and events largely on behalf of charities.  FREE entry to all charities.

The Cycle Workshop - advice and guidance for those wishing to maintain or repair the own cycle.

UK Cycle Retailers - a searchable database of cycle retailers within the UK and the brands recommended by e-cobr and its Premier members.

UK Cycle Mechanics - a searchable database of cycle mechanics and workshops throughout the UK. Includes advice on pre-ride checks and how to equip your own cycle workshop.

UK Cycle Holidays - a growing, searchable database of cycle holiday and cycle hire companies.

Cycledealia - premier member of e-cobr

Cyclon Trikes - trikes and other cycling related products for the physically and mentally handicapped

Longstaff Cycles - premier member of e-cobr and world renowned custom frame manufacturer including tandems, trikes and tandem trikes.

Mosscrop Cycles - premier member of e-cobr

Phil Corley Cycles - premier member of e-cobr

Cycle Shopping - premier member of e-cobr.

Bike Line - advice, information and services for cyclists in the event of an accident.

LPS marketing - the main marketing force behind e-cobr and an organisation that provides individual or integrated marketing services to the small and medium sized company.

Cycling for all!

This site is designed and maintained by LPS Marketing