World on wheels is a global cycling expedition. Departing on the 30th march 2003. The two man student team will travel for twelve months and cover over 25,000 miles collectively.
World on wheels is an urban design research expedition. We will explore and record examples of culture, architecture and spatial design from around the world through a structured anyaltical process.
World on wheels is a two man team with other members joining at various stages of the expedition. Each member has extensive experience of outdoor activities and have travelled widely.
World on wheels is offering sponsorship opportunities to a select group of companies and individuals who are keen to support dynamic and adventurous endeavours.
This could be achieved through advertisement on their website or expedition kit.
WOW Members:
Mathew Bridgestock (Leader)
18,000 miles over 12 months
Europe, Asia, South & North America
Hymalayas, Greenland, UK & Eire
Adam Mellotte
6,000 miles over 6 months
Western & Eastern Europe
UK & Eire, Europe
Geoffrey Henry
1,500 miles over 4 weeks
North America
UK & Eire, Europe
Andrew Bridgestock
650 miles over 2 weeks
North America
UK, France
About WOW
Letters from the guys
Cycling for all!
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