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Products for the disabled.

In the early days, due to the engineering background and expertise of George Longstaff, he was often asked by people with knee damage to help with cranks of differing sizes. Subsequently, over the past 20 years, Longstaff's have helped '00's who want to ride a bike but find the convential style and sizing impossible to cope with.

Below is just a small list of some of the non-standard items which Longstaff's specialise in the production of.

Pedal spacer - all lengths from 20mm

Twin brake levers

Heel/foot brake - see right

Hub or disc brakes

Cycle modification - for ease of riding/mounting

Gear lever modification

Seat supports

Foot plates

Walking stick holders.

Hinged cranks - for limited knee movement.

Swinging cranks - for no leg/knee movement, amputees.

and complete CYCLON trikes and tandem trikes visit the website www.cyclontrikes.com or see below.

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