We constantly refer to the fact that cycling is fun, that's because it is. But obviously it is more fun the fitter you are. Going out with people who are fitter and stronger than you is probably fun to them but for you, groveling at the back, trying like mad to "hold that wheel", it is not much fun. But your body adapts quickly and you'll probably be holding your own in a very short time plus, to improve, it is always better to seek out cyclists who are faster and stronger than you are otherwise your improvement will be slower.
Whether you train for fitness, to race, or just to enjoy your cycling more. In this section we attempt to bring together as many methods and techniques relating to training for cycling as possible but at the end of the day you have to decide the level of fitness you wish to achieve and you have to find what works best for you. Through the medium of such sites it is impossible to produce a personalised training regime. This probably starts with a visit to a Sport Physiology Laboratory.
One of the best guides to effective personal training is
"Always train your weaknesses and maintain your strengths"
I know many who for example have a strong sprint but who grovel on anything that isn't flat. What do you see them training - their sprint! Mention hills and they have every excuse in the book as to why they can't go in that direction. 
Finally if you have any training query on a subject not yet covered by the section there are numerous ways of contacting us, please visit our Interaction Area.
There are many forms of cycling and probably as many different cyclists. All probably cycle because they enjoy it. Some I know will do it through necessity (I wasn't going to walk the 4 miles to school if I could ride it and boy did I hate it when I had to do that because of a puncture or some mechanical).
We often get tired when cycling but your body adapts and strengthens. It shows that if you were to train effectively you could more easily go those few extra miles you were attempting to do.