Shoulder stretch
Sit on the ground with your legs stretched out in front of you. Lean back and rest on your elbows with your forearms parallel to your hips. Bend your knees and slide your bottom forward, keeping your forearms and elbows still. You will feel a stretch in your shoulders. Hold for the necessary period and then slide your bottom further forward and hold for a further period.
Lie on your back and bend your knees. Bring the soles of your feet together to form a diamond with your legs. With your hands resting gently on your stomach, push your knees down towards the ground.
Lower back/abductor
Sit upright and extend your legs in front of you. Bend your right knee and place your right foot on the left side of your left leg. Now turn to the right from the torso and place your left elbow on the outside of your right knee. Place your right hand behind you and turn as far as you can from the torso to look behind and upwards. Hold, relax and then repeat for the other side.
Lower back and hamstring
Stretch both legs out in front of you. Drop forward from the waist and run your hands as far down your legs as you can comfortably go. Drop your head towards your knees and pul yourself forwards as far as is comfortable.
Ankles and quadriceps
Kneel on the ground, buttocks resting on your heels. Place your hands behind you and rock back easily so that your hands take your weight and your knees are raised off the ground. Full body stretch Lie on the ground, hands extended above your head, legs stretched out. Just relax and stretch out along the entire length of your body.
Full body stretch
Lie on the ground, hands extended above your head, legs stretched out. Just relax and stretch out along the entire length of your body.